Logan Hospital Expansion

Meadowbrook, QLD

SolutionCaprice Series® Modular Fins
Hudson Series® Acoustic Louvre
Ocean Series® Elliptical Louvre
Varsity Series® Rollformed Louvre
ClientLogan Hospital Expansion
PartnersThiess, Project Services,ARUP
Finishes- Dulux Duralloy® Surfmist powder coated Zincalume- Interpon Ultriva® D2015 Sensation Gloss powder coated aluminium- Interpon D1000® Notre Dame Gloss powder coated aluminium- Interpon Ultriva® D2015 Citi Pearl Matt powder coated aluminium

Vertical Louvres add a bespoke touch

Louvreclad’s Caprice Series® sunhoods add a vibrant splash of colour and bold feature to Logan’s brand new state-of-the-art Emergency Department’s white facade. Special attention was given to designing the feature blades so that birds wouldn’t nest on them.

Bespoke Sun Hoods Create a Vibrant Feature

Vertical shading was provided with Louvreclad’s Ocean Series® 300mm elliptical louvres finished in Interpons Ultriva Titanium Pearl Matt to contrast the bright orange window surround.
Louvreclad also supplied Hudson Series 200 acoustic louvres to the plant room to ensure the mechanical equipment receives adequate ventilation whilst still remaining quiet.
Natural ventilation requirements of the project were met with Louvreclad’s Varsity Series® louvres roll formed steel louvres and where rain defence was a concern, the Varsity two stage was installed. Caprice Series® modular sun blades were also incorporated into the design to provide shade to the windows along the north wall, a necessary feature to minimise solar gains and enhance the buildings performance.
An excellent example of Louvrelcad’s capabilities for providing a natural ventilation and sun shading whole building turn-key solution.

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