UQ Global Change Institute – An Award Winning Project!

The Polaris Series® Automated Louvres increases green star rating

Congratulations to HASSELL architects for taking out Best Sustainable Architecture and Interior Architecture (for UQ GCI) at the Australian Institute of Architects’ 2015 National Architecture Awards.

The $32 million state-of-the-art building for the Global Change Institute (GCI) opened in 2013.  It employs sustainable design, construction and operating practices. A 6 star green star building, GCI generates more energy than it consumes. The building is naturally ventilated, captures its own power through solar panels and stores up to 60,000L of rainwater. Built by McNab, it is at the forefront of sustainability with the aim of having a carbon neutral footprint. The number of awards this building has won in the last few years is incredible, with eight outstanding awards to date.

It has Automated Louvres

Louvreclad designed, manufactured and installed the $1.3 million fully automated louvres which increase the green star rating of the building.  The project took almost 2 years to complete and is operated by numerous motors & sensors which were meticulously placed for minimal visibility. Made up of literally hundreds of custom designed and perforated panels, the innovative, fully operable sun shading louvre system moves around as the day progresses, thereby providing maximum sun shading.

Using two replicated copper finishes on the Polaris Series® only adds to the stunning aesthetics with eye-catching highlights which are reflected at different times from the automated louvres giving a enhanced perspective throughout the day. The GCI building is truly a masterpiece of automated louvres.

For more information on the UQ Global Change Institute, Click here.